Many teens wonder if it is proper etiquette to call an employer after submitting a resume. The following article covers specific topics so you know how to communicate with a company once you’ve provided your qualifications. Topics included in this article cover the following: Following Up after Submitting a Resume How to Send a Follow-up

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You are ready to start job searching and know that one of the first steps is to put together a resume. The question is how exactly do you put a resume together? This blog post will cover: What you should include on your resume How to highlight the experience, skills and abilities you have Key

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As a high school student working on your resume, you may be struggling. Even if you have had a job before, you can’t imagine how you can make that one job fill a whole page. And if you have not had a job before, what do you put on your resume? How do you go

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Writing a resume when you have not yet held your first job can be challenging. Without a prior job, you are likely wondering what you should include and how to get started. Fortunately, you have education, experience, activities and skills that you can highlight on your resume. While you may feel overwhelmed as you start

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As the parent of a high school student, you realize that the application process has changed a bit since you looked for a job as a teenager. While you remember walking into a retail store, filling out an application and leaving with a job, you know that kids today are often having to provide resumes

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