Jobs For Teens in Iowa

For teenagers who live in Iowa, the state offers a variety of things to do. Teenagers can ride a wood roller coaster at Arnold’s Park, play disc golf at Pinicon Ridge Park (where they may even catch a glimpse of some wildlife) and visit the state’s deepest natural lake, Lake Okoboji. The state offers great food and a variety of museums. With an unemployment rate of 3.9%, teenagers who are looking to earn some money and gain work experience should have no trouble obtaining a job.

If you're under 16 years of age, there are specific labor laws in Iowa that don't allow you to work for traditional employers.  Of course, if you're 14 or 15 years old you can get a work permit in Iowa, but otherwise there isn't too much information on this page that will help you.  With that being said, if you're under 16 years of age and don't have a work permit, please select the appropriate age below to find jobs that suit your age group.

If you're under 16 years old, your job options are different. Please select your age below:
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15

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