How to Get a Work Permit in Rhode Island
Getting a work permit in Rhode Island is much easier than most teens think, but the entire process can be pretty confusing if you've never done it before. Because of this, we've created this page which outlines everything you need to know about getting a work permit in Rhode Island. If you're under the age of 16, a work permit is required to work part-time at any company, so follow what we've outlined here and you can get a job in no time.
Minimum Working Age in Rhode Island
Rhode Island may be the smallest state in the United States, but that does not mean there are not plenty of teenagers looking to keep busy, gain experience and earn money. In Rhode Island, a minor can begin to work at the age of 14 with a “Special Limited Permit to Work” which is required for minors under the age of 16. This permit is issued by the school district where the minor resides, and the employer must keep it on file. The “Certificate of Age” is available for minors aged 16 and 17 who are seeking employment. Click here for more information on teen labor laws in Rhode Island.
Applying For a Work Permit in Rhode Island
To begin the process of obtaining an approved “Special Limited Permit to Work”, the minor should first find a job. The employer will then complete the “Intention to Employ Minor” form, which is required for minors aged 14 and 15 and advisable for the hiring of minors aged 16 and 17. The form is accessible online, and a link is provided below. The process for a minor to acquire a work permit in Rhode Island is straightforward. Minors aged 14 and 15 in Rhode Island should take the following steps to obtain their Special Limited Permit to Work:
- The minor should first find an employer who is interested in hiring them.
- The minor should then obtain a copy of the “Intention to Employ Minor” form. You can access the form by clicking here. The minor should also obtain a copy of the “Special Limited Permit to Work” form. The form can be accessed by clicking here.
- The minor, in conjunction with the employer, will complete the “Intention to Employ Minor” form. The employer will have to sign the form to say that they will follow all applicable laws and will determine that the minor is of legal age to perform any task that they assign.
- The minor’s parent or guardian must also sign the “Intention to Employ Minor” form.
- The minor will also complete the “Special Limited Permit to Work Form”. The minor will need to sign this form.
- The minor will bring both completed forms to school department where they live where an official is authorized to issue permits. Often, this can be done at the school the minor attends.
- The minor must also bring a document to provide proof of their age. This may be a birth certificate, passport or baptismal certificate.
- Should all paperwork be in order, a Special Limited Permit to Work will be issued.
For minors aged 16 and 17, the “Intention to Employ Minor Form” is not required, but is recommended to protect the employer. Should a minor age 16 or 17 be hired by an employer seeking to have this form completed, they can do the following:
- In conjunction with the employer, complete the “Intention to Employ Minor” form.
- The minor can complete the “Certificate of Age” form, which can be accessed here.
- The minor can bring both forms, along with proof of age, to the school department where there is an official able to issue the Certificate of Age.
- Should an employer require the Certificate of Age only, the minor can do the same, minus bringing the completed “Intention to Employ Minor” form.
Transferring Work Permits in Rhode Island
The approved Special Limited Permit to Work is employer and job specific. Should the employment of the minor terminate, the minor would be required to obtain a new Special Limited Permit to Work for their new employer that states their new job duties.
Employer Responsibility With Work Permits in Rhode Island
An employer will have to work with the minor on completing the “Intention to Employ Minor” form. . In addition, the employer has the following responsibilities in regards to employing a minor:
- The employer may not allow the minor aged 14 or 15 to begin working until the employer has received an approved Special Limited Permit to Work. The employer may require a Certificate of Age for minors aged 16 and 17.
- The employer must keep a copy of the approved Special Limited Permit to Work and Certificate of Age (if required) on file with their payroll records.
- Should the employment of the minor end, the employer should note in the employee’s record the certificate number, date it was issued and the city or town it was issued from. The employer should then return the document to the issuing officer. If the minor has reached the age of 18 by the time employment ends, the Certificate of Age can be given to them.
- The employer must follow all child labor laws.
The responsibility of employers when hiring minors is straightforward, however it is a process. Employers looking to hire minors under the age of 16 must get an approved Special Limited Permit to Work from the minor and has the option of requiring a Certificate of Age from minors aged 16 and 17. For either, the “Intention to Employ Minor” form must be completed.